Unleash Your Adrenaline Rush on Trekking Tours


Trekking tours are the dream tours for all trekking enthusiasts. People often search online for the best trekking tours and find India and Nepal among top tourists’ destinations for trekking. There are several reasons for the two countries being most wanted destinations for all adventure and trek lovers in the world.

India Trekking Holiday

Himalayan foothills in India are apt places for trekking lovers. With extremely rich flora and fauna, the mountainous regions of Himalayas attract all adventure and fun lovers and blow their mind entirely.

Famous Ladakh Trekking Tour in India

Ladakh in India is surrounded by great Himalayas and offer several adventure sports for fun loving tourists. The enchanting serene landscapes in the region attract you with the mesmerizing beauty. Various trekkers across the globe visit this place to perform all their dream activities, such as mountain trekking, Para gliding, skiing and so on.

Best time to visit Ladakh: Mid June to mid October

Following are the popular treks in Ladakh:

Zanskar Trek

The enthralling Zanskar trek offers good opportunity for trekkers across the globe. The high trekking Alps, which is 7000 m high thrill all trekkers. The trek has really beautiful floral plantation. In case you are performing trekking for the first time, enjoy each and every bit of your Ladakh tour under expert guidance of professional trekkers. Trekkers can add thrill to their tour by climbing high Alps, which are as high as 7000 m in this region.

Kargil Trek

Next in best trekking destinations in Ladakh is the popular Kargil trek. It has extremely fascinating routes, which take you to the scenic beauty of snow covered Himalayan Mountain Range.

Indus Valley Trek

Trekking in a Valley region is a fin filled activity and lifetime opportunity. Squeezed between Ladakh range and Zanskar range, Indus Valley offers wonderful trekking experience.

Nepal Trekking Tour

Yet another best Asian trekking spot lies in Nepal. Nepal Trekking is performed by thousands of worldwide tourists every year. Prefer going through a trekking tour operator rather than managing everything on your own. With a complete Nepal tor package in your hand, you do not have to worry about anything. All you need to do is fun!

Most popular trekking destinations in Nepal:

  1. Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek
  2. Mount Everest Trek
  3. Annapurna region Trek
  4. Kanchenjunga region Trek
  5. Langtang Trek

It is recommended to plan trekking tour after thorough search among various travel agencies online. Ensure that the package you buy offers all facilities ranging from pick and drop, food and resorts, trekking equipment, etc. Plan a trip with full energy and also make sure that you are medically fit.


Source by Peter Goorts

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