What To Seek In A Mortgage Banker?: 6 Priorities

[ad_1] Whether, one is looking, to purchase a new home, and/ or, feels it is in his best – interests, to refinance, for whatever reason (for example, other financial need, seeking better rates, etc), it’s important to carefully choose/ select, the best mortgage banker, for you! Since, each of us, is different, and, the combination… Continue reading What To Seek In A Mortgage Banker?: 6 Priorities

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Arizona Foreclosure Law – What Happens With My Second Mortgage When The First Mortgage Forecloses

[ad_1] Its no secret that thousands of people around the country and in Arizona are losing their homes to foreclosure. One of the biggest issues I deal with as an Arizona real estate lawyer handling foreclosure-related cases is the question of what happens with a second mortgage or home equity line of credit after the… Continue reading Arizona Foreclosure Law – What Happens With My Second Mortgage When The First Mortgage Forecloses

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Dealing With Mortgage Delinquency

[ad_1] After my interview on FOXbusiness.com yesterday with Jenna Lee, Connell McShane and Dagen McDowell, it was clear from the e-mails that there are many people dealing with catastrophic issues in paying their mortgages and, of great concern, many are waiting on government intervention to solve the problem. Although we hope to have answers and… Continue reading Dealing With Mortgage Delinquency

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4 Essential Mortgage Considerations

[ad_1] Most people, especially, first – time homeowners, take advantage of a mortgage, in order to participate, in what is generally considered, a major component of the American Dream, which is, owning a home, of your own. When one proceeds wisely, and learns, as much as possible, about the options, alternatives, differences, and considerations, between… Continue reading 4 Essential Mortgage Considerations

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