Five Traveller Types That Need Annual Multi-Trip Insurance

[ad_1] Multi Trip Insurance is one of the most versatile and useful types of travel insurance for regular travelers. One of the lesser known benefits of multi-trip insurance is that it can actually work out as being cheap travel insurance in real dollar terms. It’s a very cost effective way of insuring yourself. A multi-trip… Continue reading Five Traveller Types That Need Annual Multi-Trip Insurance

Homeowners Insurance Options – What is Good Neighbor Property Damage?

[ad_1] There is a certain type of coverage option that is often included in a standard homeowners insurance policy that many people are not aware of. It is called the good neighbor property damage coverage. For people who have it, and many do, it will provide you terrific protection for damage caused to your neighbors… Continue reading Homeowners Insurance Options – What is Good Neighbor Property Damage?

Insurance Agency Lead Scoring

[ad_1] Many insurance agencies have not yet formalized their lead scoring system. This is a worthwhile endeavor for all agencies, and one which should be revisited every year, while tracking the return on investment of their marketing programs. What is lead scoring? It is a methodology used to rank prospects against a scale, and then… Continue reading Insurance Agency Lead Scoring

Uninsured American Children

[ad_1] There are currently 9 million uninsured children in the US. Census data shows that 70% of those children live in a home where at least one parent works full-time. The same data indicates that about two thirds of these children would qualify for government-sponsored health insurance if the parents were to apply for it.… Continue reading Uninsured American Children

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The Relationship Between Insurance and Finance

[ad_1] Insurance and finance are closely interwoven fields of business, not least because they both involve money. They also often both involve speculation and risk, and often where one goes, the other will follow. Take property investment for example, it involves a large amount of capital out lay, swiftly followed by insurance to protect the… Continue reading The Relationship Between Insurance and Finance

Life Insurance Fraud

[ad_1] Life insurance fraud is a black eye on both life insurance companies and life insurance customers. Both parties have been guilty of life insurance fraud and will be again–especially since, sadly, fraud seems to be on the rise according to most statistical measures. Research by the non-profit The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud concludes that… Continue reading Life Insurance Fraud

Insurance Agents Name Choices – Insurance Specialist, Financial Planner, or Life Advisor?

[ad_1] Insurance Agents Name Choices – Insurance Specialist, Financial Planner, or Life Advisor? Are you one of the plain insurance agents? Agents often prefer to upgrade their title as an insurance specialist or financial advisor on their business card. Names like life advisor reflect positive experience and knowledge. Which of these different terms distinguishes you… Continue reading Insurance Agents Name Choices – Insurance Specialist, Financial Planner, or Life Advisor?