Pure-Clay Rice Cooker for Delicious and Healthy Rice


While making rice, keep these few simple tips in mind to make sure it turns out healthy and delicious each time! Not only do you want it to be soft and fluffy, but also cooked evenly and with its amazing & much-needed complex and simple carbs, vitamins and minerals intact.

How can you cook rice that’s this good?

You have wisely chosen not-overly processed, non-enriched and unbleached rice. But when cooked in conventional cookware made from metal or ceramic, they become unhealthy in more than one way:

First, metals are reactive to food, they break into ions at cooking temperature and react with food while heat acts as a catalyst. These metal ions — toxins from food accumulate in organs and blood to cause serious health problems over time. The chemicals in ceramic, glaze and enamel leach toxins into food in a similar way.

Secondly, the grains like rice are made of simple carbs, complex carbs, vitamins, and minerals. The more potent the nutrients, the more delicate they are. The heat radiating from metal/ceramic pots is harsh and damaging to the delicate nutrients in food. So, the complex carbs, vitamins, and minerals are damaged in the process.

When the body is provided a nutritionally depleted diet with an excess of simple carbs, it leads to the mismanagement of insulin hormone leading to diabetes. No wonder so many people are suffering from it!

Lastly, distribution of heat is uneven in metal pots. The temperature is high at the bottom, so the rice needs to be stirred constantly. These things make rice cooking inconvenient and unhealthy.

Introducing the perfect Rice Cooker:

Pure-clay pots are a blessing for rice cooking. They are 100% non-toxic. As pure-clay is naturally inert and its makers don’t use any chemicals or glaze while making them, they radiate a unique far-infrared heat that penetrates deep into the grains and cooks them evenly just at medium heat.

Also, an additional great feature of cooking in these pots made from such a natural raw material is that there is no need to add oil or other fats to get grains to separate or make them fluffy or tastier, just cook them in pure-clay and the pot takes care of the rest! It’s unglazed, microscopically porous walls let excess moisture evaporate once the rice is cooked, separating the grains naturally.

I was looking for something non-toxic to cook my grains in when I came across these clay pots online. Now I cook EVERYTHING in it! Soups, grains, meat, and veggies. Everything turns out great tasting and perfectly done. Wish I had been using them for years. Will be ordering more!“, says Stephanie – a healthy cooking enthusiast.

All these reasons make MEC’s pure-clay™ pots the ideal rice cooker for making healthy and delicious rice.


Source by Sharon Ray

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