Large Bolster Pillow


Large Bolster Pillow is the one that is cylindrically shaped and used for decoration purpose. However the shape is supportive to make them ideal to be used while sleeping. These pillows help in reducing conditions like neck pain, Insomnia, snoring and sleep apnea. There are variety of fillers available in the market today like the cotton/poly cotton blend materials, foams, wool and buckwheat hulls and millet hulls. The hulls fillings are becoming increasingly famous due to many reasons:

• They are hypo-allergenic

• Dust mites do not enter them

• They are durable

• Maintanence is quite simple

• They shape or support is never lost

• Can be used atleast for 5 years before replacement

Large Bolster Pillow has also been used in various cultures for therapeutic reasons. Some pillows in Asian cultures are meant to be hugged while sleeping. It is also believed that these pillows could be placed between the knees while sleeping to render support to the joints and ease the tension resulting from the misalignment of hips. Traditions also say that in Asian countries bamboo made bolster pillows were given to men who travel to be kept as a company while sleeping to drive away loneliness. European history as well mentions large bolster pillows as bamboo wife or Dutch wife.

The medical advantages of using these pillows are the soothing and calming effect it gives both to the mind and body while slept by hugging them. In many countries children are encouraged to sleep with large bolster pillow.They are sometimes referred to as body pillows as they support and enhance the comfort for the maintaining the right body posture while sleeping. When placed at the back of babies while sleeping these pillows are said to reduce the chances of choking during sleep.

It is quite easy to find large bolster pillows in any bedding shop. Their price varies depending upon the raw material used for their making. The covers sold along with them could be used to change their design often to match the décor of the surroundings. Today these pillows are being produced keeping in mind the needs of the customers so that they are durable, comfortable and do not lose their shape for a longer span of time. These pillows could also be used as arm supports while watching a movie or doing some activity that involves to be seated or lying in the same position for a long time.

The many benefits of large bolster pillow have made it an indispensable item while shopping for home décor. A bed without such a pillow would only be half complete be it in the sense of decoration or comfort.


Source by Ankur Kumar Srivastava

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