How to Maintain Business Momentum


When building a new business, you’re under immense pressure. You have so much to do and expectations are high, both from yourself and from the people around you.

This means that you need to set goals to track your progress, maintain your motivation and keep yourself accountable.

But doing so can be risky.

This is because if your goals are too big, they can crush you under the weight of unrealistic expectations. And this may defeat the purpose of having a goal to begin with.

However, like many things in life, there’s a trick to this. And not all goals are equal. The secret lies in setting a goal that will motivate versus one which will defeat you.

Are you in this position?

One where you keep agonizing over what you have done and if you have achieved enough? Are you struggling to maintain your entrepreneurial momentum?

Setting the Right Goals

Setting goals is important in maintaining entrepreneurial momentum. But setting the wrong goals and having the wrong vision can lead to demotivation and stagnant progress.

This is the opposite of what goal-setting is supposed to achieve. So, setting effective goals in the early days is the foundation of building a successful business.

Set goals that relate to building your business. For instance, ask yourself, “What do I need to do to build a successful business?”

Vision is the key energy that drives entrepreneurship. It’s what makes entrepreneurs dare to explore, dare to insist, dare to challenge, dare to keep moving forward, and dare to have the determination to succeed.

Having a Clear Vision

Successful entrepreneurs have achieved their goals and purpose by having a clear and strong vision and pursuing it with passion. So, to maintain your entrepreneurial momentum, have a clear, ambitious and challenging vision.

Great and successful entrepreneurs persevere and they remain engaged with their business no matter what happens. Having a vision and staying focused on it will help you keep a grip on your business and stay connected to your audience.

But, maintaining entrepreneurial momentum is not about defining and pursuing a vision. It’s about being able to implement your vision, formulating it into something tangible, and sharing it. It’s crucial to imprint the same energy, passion, dedication and drive to a wider audience and team.

Spreading your vision across the whole company translates it into a culture, because an unshared vision which doesn’t echo to other people is not a vision. A vision should be believed, nurtured, and pursued for it to become a lighthouse that builds momentum.


Source by Jon Allo

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