Corny Cheesy Toast

Prep Time: 30 Minutes
Cook Time: 5 Minutes
Total Time: 35 Minutes
Serves: 3-4

Monsoon is the season of fresh corn, so how about starting your day with a hot cup of tea and some hot Toasted or Grilled Sandwich for Breakfast. Children will love it so ensure to reduce on the Chilies and make it cheesier for them. Corn is considered one of the world’s healthiest foods. It has antioxidant benefits, Digestive Benefits and Blood Sugar Benefits.
Cheese on the other hand are great for your bones and Teeth, also for Athletes and for Heart Healthy Benefits. Cheese Benefits are not just for your health but also skin and hair.

1 Large Corn Cob or 1 Packet Fresh Corns
¼ Cup Chopped Fresh Basil or 1 Tsp Basil Powder
8 slices of bread
8 cheese slices
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Tsp Oregano
1 Tsp Mixed Herbs
1 to 2 Tbsp Salad Dressing (Funfoods)
¼ Tsp Black Pepper or as per Taste
½ Tsp Red Chili Flakes
2 to 3 cups water to boil the corn cob
Salt as per Taste


  • Heat some water with some salt added to it and boil the corn cob for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Once the Corn Cob is cooled or still warm, remove the corn kernels with the knife.
  • Then add Basil or Basil Powder, Oregano, Mixed Herbs, Salad Dressing, Black Pepper, Red Chili Flakes and Salt as per taste to the Corn.
  • Mix everything well and keep aside.
  • Spray some Olive oil on one side of the bread and keep this side touching the Metal part of the toaster.
  • Again spray some olive oil on the side facing you and put a slice of cheese on this side.
  • Top the Cheese Slice with the Corn mixture and cover it with another cheese slice and a slice of bread. Grill the Corn Cheese sandwich till done.
  • Serve Hot Corny Cheesy Toast with Tomato Sauce or Cheesy Dip.

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