Adventurous India

[ad_1] Indian adventure has varied choices for its adventure lovers, from snow-clothed mountains to immaculate water of blue seas. Adventure lovers have a variety of choices like trekking, paragliding, surfing, parasailing, snorkeling, windsurfing, rafting, kayaking, skiing, heli-skiing, scuba diving and lots more. Opening from the NORTH, there are plenty of places one can travel around… Continue reading Adventurous India

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Purely Organic Lawn Care For Lawns That Are Safe For Kids and Pets

[ad_1] Purely organic lawn care is not only safer for your family and pets, it is also better for the earth. Organic lawn care means not using harsh chemical fertilizers and pesticides on your lawn. People are beginning to understand the dangers of using chemicals on their gardens and lawns. They are not only hazardous… Continue reading Purely Organic Lawn Care For Lawns That Are Safe For Kids and Pets

Splendiferous Whole Grain Foods: Whole Rice, Bamboo Rice, Foxtail Millet And Sorghum

[ad_1] Grains should be handled naturally and not tampered with so much as in processes like milling, par boiling, drying and re-parboiling to shorten cooking time. As it is, over-refinement of grains makes them lose much of their nutritive value. Whole Grain Rice You may wonder why most Asians never tire of eating the rice… Continue reading Splendiferous Whole Grain Foods: Whole Rice, Bamboo Rice, Foxtail Millet And Sorghum

What’s Your Favourite Flour?

[ad_1] Flour has always been an integral element of Indian food fundamentals. It doesn’t matter whether the kitchen is from the North of India, from the South, from the East or the West; every homemaker depends in a major way on one core flour type for her daily preparations. The interesting part is that most… Continue reading What’s Your Favourite Flour?

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Rediscovering Brown Rice

[ad_1] Rice is a staple food for more than one and a half billion people. For many, a meal would not be complete without rice. There are over 120,000 known varieties of rice. Though white rice is the most common and preferred, there is a lot to be said about brown rice. This healthy grain… Continue reading Rediscovering Brown Rice

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8 Top Low-Calorie Indian Foods

[ad_1] Buttermilk: This delicious food with thick consistency goes well with any kind of food. It is relished by the family members after savoring the spicy food. When you take a cup of buttermilk, you consume 30 calories per glass. Ragi Dosa: It is a popular South Indian dish. This delicious food is made from… Continue reading 8 Top Low-Calorie Indian Foods

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10 Reasons to Bake and Eat Sourdough Bread

[ad_1] Sourdough is created when wild yeast and bacteria interact. Working together, these organisms can transform grains and make them more digestible. This is beneficial to people with wheat or yeast allergies. Benefits and More Sourdough starter is FREE unless you don’t like the type that can be cultivated in your area from the bacteria… Continue reading 10 Reasons to Bake and Eat Sourdough Bread

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Rich and Varied Heritage

[ad_1] India is always remembered as a land of diverse cultures. The geographic position, climate and the extent of exposure to foreign cultures have totally influenced the traditions and culture of the different regions at different periods. The greatness of Indian culture has been in adopting the best from all the invaders and intermingling their… Continue reading Rich and Varied Heritage