Evolution of CCTV in India


Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) camera is widely used in modern times for surveillance. It is used in all countries for security. India is no exception! You may come across CCTV cameras in India in day-to-day life. Besides, its use is increasing. You may find a great future for CCTV in India. CCTVs are here to stay!

CCTV was first designed by the German scientist Walter Brunch in 1942. It was used to monitor the launch of rockets. It, later on, became a part of every rocket launch program. It was used to monitor any technical defects taking place during the launch. United Kingdom (UK) began using the system to monitor public places for crime prevention in 1960s. United States (US) started using the system for crime prevention in public buildings. The use of CCTVs quickly spread to other countries. Largest number of CCTV cameras exists in Europe today. The European Government spends almost two-third of its crime prevention budget in CCTV cameras and Digital Video Recorders (DVRs).

Indian story with regards to CCTV is a bit different. It has not been long since the utilization of CCTV in India gained momentum. Inspiration to use CCTV cameras in India has been derived from other countries. After the attacks on twin tower, the growth of CCTV increased considerably in US. Large-scale use of CCTV in India is mere copying of the measures adopted by other countries to fight terrorism. Despite being the center of focus of jihad based terrorism, market has remained slow to accept CCTV cameras in India, as compared to other countries. The outlook is changing at a fast pace, though!

Back in 2002, CCTV cameras in India were found in schools, kindergartens, supermarkets, and retail stores. Retail stores and supermarkets required them the most to prevent shoplifting. Schools and kindergartens use the system to monitor the activities of children, to prevent bullying, and to prevent juvenile crime. In 2004, a report was published in a leading newspaper; the Delhi police urged the banks in the city to install CCTV to combat bank robbery. By then, CCTV in some Indian Police stations was also set to monitor the activities of Police officers. CCTV in Indian bus depots and railway stations was installed as well to detect pick-pocketing. Airports started using CCTV surveillance since 2002.

Information Technology Act, passed in 2008, has given immense power to the Government in matters of surveillance. Government can monitor any premise, even if it is a blow to privacy, to protect the interests of the common public. CCTV in India will gradually make its way into roads, civic bodies, and other public places. Installation of CCTV cameras in Indian public places may reduce crime and anti-social behavior. Scope for CCTV security cameras in India is huge in the near future!

Outlook towards CCTV in India has changed considerably! Today, the use of CCTV cameras in India is not restricted to highly sensitive areas. Offices, restaurants, and other places of day-to-day life install CCTV Security cameras to monitor the activities going on in the premise. CCTV in India has become a major tool for security.


Source by Dharav Patel

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