Tips on Selecting a Kitchen Faucet Filter That Will Purify Your Tap Water


Are you looking for the best kitchen faucet filter? There’s a couple of different options to consider. One is a kitchen faucet with filter attached and the other type of filter goes under the sink. Let’s take a look at the performance of both types of filter systems.

Flow Rates

The under the sink filter will not lower your water pressure or water flow. The counter top kitchen faucet with filter attach will reduce both pressure and flow.

Contamination Removal

Countertop kitchen faucet filters do not remove as much contamination as the under the sink systems. This is because the filter that attaches to the faucet is a single phase filter. The multi stage under the sink systems will have a carbon filter, a sub micron filter, and a ion exchange. These under the sink systems will remove over 99% of all contaminants in your tap water.


Installing a kitchen faucet filter is simple to do. But, these are very prone to leaks. You’ll find that people get tired of trying to maintain them and end up removing the filter. A multi stage carbon system that is installed under your sink is a set it and forget it system. The only thing you need to do is change the filter a couple of times a year.


Both systems can be installed if you are “handy”. Some people prefer to get a plumber to take care of the installation.

Filtration Technology

Either system can be purchases with a filter system called reverse osmosis. These are the most expensive, difficult to maintain, and only remove a fraction of what’s in today’s tap water. The best type of system to buy uses a multi stage carbon filtration process.

Some food for thought on selecting a kitchen faucet filter. Your nest step? Check out a multi stage carbon system that will provide you the purest source of water possible.


Source by Mark LeBreton

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